Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Books that David Cardamone read

Ten Great Mysteries- Edgar Allen Poe
The Enchanted Places- Christopher Milne
A Swifty Tilting Planet- L-Engle
Out of the Silent Planet- C.S. Lewis
That Hideous Strength- C.S. Lewis
Welcome to the Monkey House- Vonnegut
A Certain Smile- Sagan
Conan and the Sorcerer- Offatt
Conan the Barbarian- Howard
Conan books- 10 various, several authors
The RA Expedition- Heyerdahl
Aku Aku- Thor Heyerdahl
It's been Down so Long it Looks Like Up to Me- Richard Farina
(3 books in the series plus short stories) Mattias Thulmann: Witch Hunter- C.L. Werner
x3- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Ed 1 Core Book
x2- Warhammer Campaign (The Enemy Within, Shadows over Bogenhaven)
x2- Death on the Reik
x3- Warhammer City
x1-Empire in Flames
x1-Castle Drachenfels
(3 books plus short stories) Genevieve the Vampire- Yeovil
Zone- Fragments for a History of the Human Body
Practical handbook for the perfect boyfriend
Art of Shun Fu- Zeek
x2- Re/Search Incredibly Strange Films
Big Book of Biker Films
Satires of Juvenal
Perlandra- C.S. Lewis
Chronicles of Crusades
Pooh Perplex- Crews
Voices for the Wilderness
x3 Red Thirst (warhammer)
x3 Wolf Riders (warhammer)
x3 Ignorant Armies (warhammer)
Making of a Counter-Culture - Rozak
La' Boheme- Murger
Richest Man in Babylon
Said the Shotgun to the Head- Saul Williams
Party Monster
Goomba's Guide To Love
Miss Manners Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behaviour
Under the Fig Leaf
Again, Dangerous Visions
Equires Guide to What Every Young Man should Know
Kon-Tiki - Thor Heyerdahl
Fatu-Hiva- Thor Heyerdahl
Maldive Mystery- Thor Heyerdahl
Tolkien, a Biography
History of the Kings of Britain
Introducing Baudrilliard
Middle Earth Quest- Mines of Moria
Middle Earth Quest- Spy in Isengaard
The Book of Romance
For Whom the Bell Tolls- Hemingway
Concerning the Spiritual in Art- Kandinsky
The Sickness Unto Death- Kierkegaard
150 Art Books
100 Dragonlance and Forgotten Realm Novels
x3 Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Warhammer Seige
x4 A book of Five Rings - Mushashi
x3 Advanced Techniques- Bruce Lee
beginning techniques- Bruce Lee
The art of Tao- Bruce Lee
Art of Expressing the Human Body- Bruce Lee
Science of Martial arts training
Ultimate Flexibility
Sword of the Samurai
June Keen Do Kickboxing
Way of the Samurai
Secret of the Samurai
Mastering Jujitsu- Gracie
Brazilian JuJitsu- Gracie
Submission Grappling- Gracie
the Martial Arts Reader
the Sword and the Mind
The Soul of the Samurai
the Code of the Samurai
Bushido the warrior code
Canyon Cinema Catalog 7
Creative Filmaking
valerie Export
Sculpting in Time- Tarkovsky
Film Art- An Introduction
Understanding the film
independent filmaking- lipton
lipton on filmaking- lipton
Contemporary Film and the new generation
8mm Film cutting
The Logic of Images- Wim Wenders
1984 George Orwell
Animal Farm- George Orwell
A Clockwork Orange- Kubrick
A critical Cinema
Secrets of the Ninja
Ninja Secrets of Invisibility
the discreet arts of Luis Brunel
Directing the Film- Sherman
The Hemingway reader
the best of bad hemingway
hemingway bio
Camera Lucide- Bathes
how to read a film
the Filmaker's handbook
the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer
Bomb Shells- Steve Sullivan
Bjork's there's more to life than this
the bok of the subgenius
Midnight Drive
the Doors by the Doors
Shodo- the art of combining mind and body
The Wham-Bam thank you Ma'am Affair- Conway
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Leona- Eco
The Princess Cassanandra- Henry James
Mythologies- Barthes
The Media is the Massage- McLuhan
Understanding Media- McLuhan
The Banquet Years- Shattuck
Southern Ladies and Gentlemen
Go for Beginners
Encyclopeida Acephalica- Bataille
Tears of Eros- Bataille
Visions of Excess- Bataille
Inner Experience- Bataille
Guilty- Bataile
Blue of Noon- Bataille
The Accursed Share- Bataille
Writing the Sacred- Bataille
x3 Story of the Eye- Bataille
x2 Shaman of Obsterdorf
Scottish clans and tartans
Sagas of Icelanders
Journey to the End of the Night- Celine
Strange Days
Riders on the Storm
Light my Fire
x3 The American Night- Morrison
x2 No One here Gets out Alive
x3 the Lords and the new Creatures- Morrison
images of Jim Morrison
the Real Bettie Page
Webers guide to Pipes
x3 Great Living in Grubby Times
Teacher's Pet
Crying of Lot 49
x2 Lolita- Nobokov
the Perfumed Garden
Lord of the Flies- Golding
(24) Tolkien ring saga- 4 books, 6 times- 24 books
x2 Complete Sherlock Holmes
Breakfast of Champions- Vonnegut
Slapstick -Vonnegut
Cat's Cradle- Vonnegut
God Bless you Mr Rosewater- Vonnegut
Players Piano- Vonnegut
Sirens of Titan- Vonnegut
Japanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination
the Chariot of Time- Yu Medveledv
We Can Build You- Phillip K Dick
Anti Oedpius- Deluze and Guatarri
The Space Vampires- Colin Wilson
Modern Chess Openings
Official Rules of Chess
Pawn Structure Chess
Beat Reader
On the Road- Kerouac
Esquires Guide of Grooming for Men
The Inner Game of Chess
Open Preparation
Chess the Easy Way
An Invitation of Chess
x3 Bobby Fischer's Chess
Art of the Middle Game
Catastrophe Theory
x20 Hitchcock Horror Compilations
Mystery of Terror and the Supernatural
The Great Gatsby- Fitzergald
Writings of Oscar Wilde
x2 Dorian Gray- WIlde
Complete works of H.P. Lovecraft
some Sci-fi feminist Critque book
Sound of the Mountain- Kawabata
Tom Sawyer- Twain
Huckleberry Finn- Twain
Oedipus In Stalingrad
The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Farewell to Arms- Hemingway
For Whom the Bell Tolls- Hemingway
The Old Man and the Sea- Hemingway
The Sun Also Rises- Hemingway
A Moveable Feast- Hemingway
To have and have Not- Hemingway
death in the afternoon- hemingway
Great Expectation- Kathy Acker
Blood and Guts in High School- Kathy Acker
My Mother, a Demonology- Kathy Acker
Pussy, King of the Pirates- Kathy Acker
x2 Double Whammy- Carl Haissen
Cowboy Stories (library rented, forgot title)
another book by Carl Haissen
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
The Doors of Perception- Aldous Huxley
Island- Aldous Huxley
Norton Anthology of Short Fiction
the Humanities
the Crucible- Arthur Miller
Discovering our Past (aracheology)
History of Modern Art since 50's
History of Art
Bio Van Gogh
5 different Leonardo books
5 different Michelangelo books
I, Robot- Piers Anthony
Start your Own Zine
The Factsheet Five Zine Reader
Miss lonlyhearts
Oedipus plays (3 books)
No Exit- Sarte
the Stranger- Camus
Dave's Way (Wendy bio)
Silvas Mariner (title I can't remember)
The Fly Girls
Circle of Light 1
some book about teens doing drugs
Dr No
Camping book
some 60's bio by Door's manager
x3 Von Maschosch (Sadomascochism)
Pasolini poems
Great British Poetry
Norton Anthology of Poetry
Red Badge of Courage
A Separate Peace
Hollywood Babylon 1 and 2
Neitzsche- Thus Spoke Zarathrusta
The Gay Science- Neitzsche
Some other Neitzsche book
Philosophy books.. etc
6 books- Mickey Spillane's Detective Stories
World's Greatest Detective stories
Diary of an Opium Eater
Fall of the house of Usher
Metamorphosis- kafka
The Castle- Kafka
naked lunch- william burroughs
other burrough novel
Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
The holy Bible
The Complete Screenwriter's Manual
More Bond Novels
A Day in the Life of Ivan Desinovich- Soltzenshien
other Sholtzenshien books
The Idiot
War and Peace- Tolstoy
other Tolstoy
bel air
the banquet years- shattuck
2 steven king novels
hellman's plays
2x Complete Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy
porno star autobio
50 art school textbooks
50 high school textbooks
erasmus the praise of folly
A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman
And then the Sky Roared

(I read much more books, I can't remember them all.. darn)